Are YOU asking for the sale?

When it comes to success in selling, tactful persistence in the face of rejection is the name of the game.

If you doubt that – consider the following:

44% give up after one ”No”

22% give up after two “No’s”

14% give up after three “No’s”

12% give up after four “No’s”

If you add up those percentages, you get 92% of all salespersons giving up without asking for the order a fifth time.

This leaves only 8% of all salespersons that will ask for the order more than four times. But consider this: 60% of all customers say “NO” four times before saying “YES”

The obvious inference is that 8% of the salespeople are getting 60% of the business just by being hard headed enough to keep asking.

TIP: By learning your rebuttals (statements to overcome an objection from Client) to eliminate the objection, you will have permission to ask again….Just remember to ask for the sale every time you overcome an objection that’s thrown at you.

Contact the team now at LiveNOW Consultancy today to find out how you can become the best closer in your business or team, it’s easy to learn and really works!